Interview With The AXL INU Founder

Axl Token
2 min readMar 31, 2022


We’d like you to learn more about the AXL INU. As a result, we decided to conduct an interview with the Founder for you to better understand AXL project, our values, and our objectives.

Q: Let’s start with a little introduction. How would you explain AXL to someone who is just starting their path in the world of crypto?
A: Axl is a straightforward decentralized ecosystem that has various services you can benefit from even if you are a beginner in our community; with our NFT’s you can mint digital art and also art lovers can own their NFT’S from our platform, an upcoming Metaverse project in which you can own your own NFT as a unique character. IDO LaunchPads can give crypto currency projects the ability to launch IDO and Distribute tokens as well, a decentralized exchange that has A DEX aggregator meaning it gets you best prices from your DEX trades, and more.

Q: AXL is a pretty innovative project! What motivated you to start it in the first place? How do you think projects like AXL can influence the crypto space?
A: We wanted to start a project that made crypto services more accessible and available all around the world, as AXL is a community-led space that encourages all crypto lovers and also beginners to start their journey safely and in a simple way.

Q: Please, share some insights with us :) What’s the most important thing you’re working on right now, and how are you making it happen?
A: Right now we are working on our Metaverse project, which is very big and will be an interactive and fun way for our community to indulge in the NFTs space, by being able to own their own characters inside the Metaverse as NFTs.

Q: What’s the hardest decision you’ve made so far?
A: Hardest decision along the way has been the maintaining of focus on our project as community-led, which helps us look for ways to make our services as accessible as possible, and bringing insights regularly to educate beginners on the crypto world.

Q: What about the future? How do you see AXL INU in the run of the next 1, 6, 12 months?
A: I look for AXL to have a stronger community that builds people up. I believe that the AXL community is a family that inspires us to work harder to provide the best.



Axl Token
Axl Token

Written by Axl Token

Axl is a Decentralized exchange that will support Liquidity Providing, Yield Farming, Staking, Launching IDO, NFT and Lending & Borrow.

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